On Friday, May 3th, we gathered at the MC in Woerden. The Mac that is, huh? We are a HOG chapter, growing, with more and more enthusiastic Harley Davidson riders. Now a weekend on the road with 20 people and 17 motorbikes. A wonderful weekend to the Eifel, with excellent routes, landscapes, turns and a nice hotel with delicious dinners, a good terrace, a nice breakfast and a lot of cosiness.


Now a blog like this is normally written as a reference work, but also as an artical for interested people and (potential) new members. Of course we want to highlight the awesome moments but we also have to be honest. So if it rained for a weekend, don’t write that the weather was beautiful for 3 days. Now the rain was not too bad. Only on Saturday afternoon the rain fell down on us. But falling …… that is of course a thing of riding a motorcycling … ….


Before you continue reading. After circumstances it is all well!! It could have been much worse. We are shocked, but especially the relief that the person in question is at home and it goes okay.


This weekend we had to deal with the first serious fall during a ride within our chapter. You know it can happen. Everyone knows the vulnerability of sitting on the motorcycle. An accident can just happen. A little oil on the road, some loose gravel, an unfortunate maneuver. The engine then just shoots from under you, you fall. Then the (quite) fearful first moment of “How are you doing”.


I will spare you all the details. As mentioned, according to circumstances it goes well. An angel on the shoulder too. For everyone an intense Sunday afternoon. We can also be proud, I think, how we acted as a chapter. Like getting the place secured, control teh traffic,  informing the emergency services, mutual contact, reassuring, making an official report, informing insurance. Someone has continuously stayed with the person, also in the hospital for an investigation. Someone has stayed with the person until home.


The aftercare will also be good. This Friday we are having our next club evening. Always fun for a snack and a drink. Totally nice for new members to get acquainted. Or also to discuss ideas how things can be done better and safer again.


Above all, I am incredibly proud of this beautiful chapter. How we can organize a wonderful weekend, ride beautiful routes, have a lot of fun (after the ride!) During the “Beer O ‘Clock”, have given the right attention to 4 May, have laughed very much together , how unique people know how to find each other in a new chapter and also how an annoying crash has been taken care of. That also makes our Amstel Chapter!

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